Company Overview

This Austin, Texas based company had 150 employees spread among three locations.

Key Challenges

With a new medical, dental, and worksite benefit program being introduced in the upcoming open enrollment, human resource personnel were concerned about a low participation rate among employees, specifically citing a language issue among a growing non-English speaking population and a general lack of knowledge regarding the benefits being offered.

MBA Solution Presented

Our team worked with the personnel department to develop a communication campaign that provided employees with more detailed and easier to understand benefit information on a frequent basis during the open enrollment period. We also suggested a wide variety of media formats with a special emphasis on providing alternative language options.

Measurable Results

Implementation of the custom benefit communication program led to a very successful and active open enrollment, with over 95% of employees participating. There was an increase in enrollment for all lines of coverage.

Contact Us

Our Advisors offer in-depth analysis and are ready to help you successfully navigate employee benefits and health insurance.

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